Journey to Stay Safe in the Digital Age V.1

Pawan Trivedi
3 min readAug 18, 2020

This is my first blog…. anywhere…EVER!

First I’ll tell you a story of myself i.e how and why I care about my Digital life now more than ever, Once I was looking for some program/courses( to study online) on my laptop which is heavily guarded with privacy practices (i.e Privacy Badger By Eff and other technology and I use the same for mobile Device, I don’t signup into Emails while Surfing the internet ) but When I was done with that ( looking for online courses/ program) I shut the computer off and started doing my usual work but after few days while I was active on twitter (mobile device) I saw a promotion tweet/ad of the same portal from where I was doing my online classes. So what I observed here is that even after being so alert about my online activity they(Big 4) are able to track me across the devices which have no links except sometimes I login to the same mail on both devices(on the different instances).

So here are few tips from my side that you can use if you find it relatable and useful in your day to day life:

In this series, I’ll discuss both Mobile and Computer machines.

  1. Don’t signup using the same Mail across all devices by that mean ( Don’t use the same G-mail from your phone and Computer). You can use Protonmail for your daily activities and if you need G-mail for your android phone just signup for using Playstore, not more than that.
  2. There is an alternate that you don’t need to signup Google account in your android phone, You can use Fdroid — it’s an open source app store for your android device.
  3. I know this going to be hard for most of the people but if you can try this, it’s going to help you a lot. Try to containerized your online activities as much as you can mostly focus on Big 4(I’ll discuss about this in detail in next blog).
  4. Use Tor and Duckduckgo for your mobile device as well as Computer machine ( Add duckduckgo in your Mozilla Firefox browser for your Computer)
  5. And last ( for this blog, I’ll discuss more in the coming series ) but not the least, there are many apps residing on your phone that are continuously sending data back and forth, even when you are not using your mobile device. So what you need to do is block that by using the firewall and one of the easiest one is NetGuard. You can block the traffic of the apps that you aren’t using currently.

Always try to find the .apk version (from an official source ) of any application that you want to use. If you don’t find then only use Google Play-store.

So this is the first( In the series) Of Digital Security/Privacy, I’ll be writing more in upcoming days.

This is the first time I tried to write a blog, So if you have any suggestion(s) related to my writing. Drop an Email —

Source — Internet

Thanks for reading. Your constructive feedback is appreciated.

